CASE STUDY, SurgiScreen

Positioning a process innovator in a this-is-the-way-we've-always-done-it marketplace.

Any individual requiring a medical or surgical procedure requiring anesthesia is required to complete a health history to inform the anesthesia provider with critical information used to safeguard the patient during their anesthesia treatment. The process is largely clerical in function - ask patient question, then record answer - but usually performed by full-time RNs, an inefficient use of highly-trained and costly resources. Having worked within this process firsthand, an anesthesiologist partnered with a software architect and together they developed a healthcare industry first: service-supported software that streamlined the entire pre-surgical screening process.

We developed the SurgiScreen name and identity after understanding the marketplace challenge it would solve and therefore, how to position it. Taking the brand to market with an integrated channel approach, we created a website that served as both a marketing and FAQ tool, as well as a working portal for facilities, physicians and patients to access screening reports. In addition to the website, we also established partnerships with hospital and surgical center professional associations where SurgiScreen sponsored events, participated as an exhibitor at conferences and created lead-specific marketing support in an effort to help close sales more effectively.

SurgiScreen was acquired by a private equity firm.
Brand ID
Brand Strategy
Experiental Marketing
Marketing Collateral
Website Design